Coding assignment – week 1

So for this week’s assignment I worked on 2 separate p5.js sketches. The first sketch is a progression on some of the generative code I created in class (sketch linked below).

In the above sketch I built off of the randomness concepts we learnt in class to govern the movement of the walker’s in accordance to Perlin noise. In doing so, it provided smooth transitions between each new step the walker took. I also used the x and y coordinate values of the walker to control the dimensions of the walker (ellipse) and using the Perlin noise values of variable v to control the shade of the walker.


My second work (main assignment) is my attempt at creating a walker than follows Levy flight.

To my understanding, Levy Flight is a random walk where most often the walker takes many small steps in a small area but sometimes takes a much larger step of varying distance. Similar to how some animals forage for food, where they sniff continuously around one area and then suddenly move a long distance away to sniff a different area. They repeat this until satiated. Below are images of the phenomena from Wikipedia that I used to try to recreate.

In my p5.js sketch I also controlled the color of the walker using the randomness of the walker.

Below is the link to my p5.js sketch and the corresponding code.

let chance = random(100);
  if (chance<2){

The code snippet above controls the randomness of the walker its erratic jumps. I believe this is the main part of my code.


I wanted to make a bigger spectacle using the perlin noise in this code but I did not know how to add it in time. Hopefully, if I start working on my next project earlier, I can take bigger creative decisions to make the code standout out more.


I learnt a lot from this youtube video

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