Week 3 Assignment – Elyazia Abbas

Concept and Inspiration:

Our task this week was to use invisible attractors and visible movers to create a pattern from the objects moving around attractors. I immediately imaged planets and orbital motion when thinking of this concept. Although the attractor in this case would be the sun, which is not invisible, in my implementation, I used a thin outline of a white circle just for reference and to easily track the orbital motion.

Something new that I was interested in while writing this program, was randomly picking a randomly sized image of a planet from a list to display in orbit, which I will further explain later. Every time the program is started the attractor is placed on a random spot on the screen through using random coordinates, and the user can use the mouse in order to drag the attractor top different spots, and the movers will continue to move around the allocated spot.

Code Snippet:

In the sketch file I created a list of 8 images of planets in our galaxy, and used this new function I learned by watching this video on youtube on how to randomly generate images on p5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxjEl-pun7o. I also made sure to randomly size the images as well to make it look more natural.

Trial Sketches before the final Product:

These were just a few trials to experiment before finishing my program:

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