Coding Assignment “Northern Lights” – Week 4

Concept and Approach:

For this assignment  I decided through utilizing simple harmonic motion to attempt to mimic the look of the Northern Lights. In terms of coding, my approach was quite simple, I focused mostly on the colors, their opacities, and angles, to achieve the effect of the aurora.

To start off I used the simple harmonic motion code we worked on in class as a basis, I then followed Daniel Schiffman’s video  that details the basics of creative coding with simple harmonic motion:

Similar to Schiffman’s method I created an array of shapes that move in a simple harmonic motion but instead of having my shapes be based on the built in shape functions of p5js I used the ‘begin/ end shape’ functions. Through these functions I was able to create my own shapes that look somewhat similar to what I imagine the aurora to look like.

Because I was layering the same shapes on top of each other to achieve the effect I am looking for I decided to place my wave shape into a class that I could call to create as many layers of the waves as needed in different positions.

<iframe src=””></iframe>

Two elements that I am particularly proud of are the use of the ‘perlin noise’ function and the jagged effect I achieved through the shift of the vertices. When I first created the layers without the perlin noise function, they looked somewhat unnatural with their position and angling. When introducing the ‘noise’ function the program generated more natural looking patterns.

    // looping for the length of the angles array 
    for (let i = 0; i < angles.length; i++) 
      // calculate x, y coordinates based on a perlin noise value that is affected by a sine wave 
      let y = map(noise(this.amplitude*(sin(angles[i] + this.c)) + this.d), -1, 1, this.minMapY, this.maxMapY);
      let x = map(i, 0, angles.length, this.minMapX, this.maxMapX);
      // vertex point for wave
      vertex(x, y);
      // another vertex to left (gives jagged effect)
      vertex(x - 100, y - 400);
      // increment to have waves moving
      angles[i] += 0.001;

In terms of the effect achieved with the shape, I was very confused as to how I am supposed to create it, at first I attempted to use rectangles, however I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. I realized then that I could create a series of lines that move in a simple harmonic motion through just using the vertex function with the coordinates. By adjusting the coordinates and creating shifts in their values, I was able to achieve the desired look.

Reflection and Ideas:

While I took a rather simple route with this assignment I still feel like I learnt a lot and realized the power of the sine waves when it comes to creative coding. One thing I would like to further explore is the additive waves, as right now my code relies more on the perlin noise function to create a randomized wave effect. With the additive waves I feel like I could create a more consistent yet natural fluctuating look that could possibly make the design look better. I also would like to further experiment with colors and their opacities to see if I could create a mix in saturations and vibrancies.

Code for Reference:

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