Midterm Progress #2


I had decided to switch from my previous sketch as I felt having predefined shapes was too constraining and would not make it generative enough. However, I have still managed to keep it within the same topic as Mandalas. Instead of using predefined shapes, I decided to combine Perlin noise for the randomness and axes of symmetry to create interesting and unique patterns. By lowering the axes of symmetry to 6 or lower, the mandalas begin looking like flowers.

This gave me an idea for the final sketch of the project. I will be making flower objects the same as the below sketch, but spawning them on generated branches, which are also made using Perlin noise.


The current sketch is designed specifically for the pen plotter.



Pen plot:

Next Steps:

I still need to implement the different modes. I’m thinking of offering a simple UI for adjusting the number of axes of symmetry, offsets, and colors of the sketch. This way I would have a high number of combinations a user can achieve with a few sliders. 

  • Develop the random branches that will hold the flowers
  • Figure out which points the flowers will spawn on
  • Add audio

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