Assignment 8: Snickers and Mouths


Inspired by the playful movements of animals in nature and classic video games, this project aims to bring a sense of whimsy and curiosity to the canvas. It draws from the idea of contrasting behaviors in a dynamic and visually engaging way.


The project features a canvas where Snickers and Mouths, represented as animated elements, interact with distinct steering behaviors.

  • Snickers: These elements wander aimlessly around the canvas, moving in a random and carefree manner, much like the unpredictable paths of creatures in the natural world.
  • Mouths: Mouths, on the other hand, are purposeful seekers. They are drawn to the Snickers and move strategically to follow them, akin to the way predators seek their prey.

This simple concept focuses on the contrast between wandering and seeking behaviors, creating a visually captivating and contemplative experience for viewers.



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