For this week’s assignment, I tried to implement a cloud of particles, each inspired by Craig Reynolds’s autonomous agents, that seek invisible and randomly generated vertices. I wanted to see how these agents work together, figure out the best path, and adapt to the changing environment. In terms of technicalities, I’m using a seek function and acceleration to drift toward the vertices one by one, and the HSB color mode for aesthetics.
Code Walkthrough:
Vehicle Class:
The vehicle class represents the autonomous agents (cloud of particles), and has one movement function alongside the constructor. It uses position, velocity, acceleration, direction, and color properties.
The move() function combines the seeking force and other helper functions (finding the next vertex index, checking if the particle reaches the vertex, changing direction)
move() { // Go to the next vertex let target = this.vertices[this.idx]; let distance = dist(this.position.x, this.position.y, target.x, target.y); if (distance < 45) { if ((this.direction==1 && this.idx==this.vertices.length-1) || (this.direction==-1 && this.idx==0)) { this.direction*= -1; } this.idx+=this.direction; } // Seek the next vertex if (distance >1) { let steer = new p5.Vector(target.x, target.y); steer.sub(this.position); steer.normalize(); steer.mult(0.045); this.acceleration.add(steer); } // Add movement this.velocity.mult(0.99); this.velocity.add(this.acceleration); this.velocity.limit(6); this.position.add(this.velocity); this.acceleration.mult(0); }
Upon every mouseclick, 1000 new particles are generated and the vertices change as well.
To generate the vertices, I’m using a random function:
vertices=[]; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { let x = map(i, 0, 6, width/4, width - width/4); let y = random(120, height - 120); vertices.push(new p5.Vector(x, y)) }
HSB Color Mode:
I’m using the Hue specifically and brightness to add an aesthetic look to the particles.
Next Steps:
Future steps would be to add other forces i.e. avoiding obstacles.