Lecture Reflection

Yesterday we attended a lecture by professor Neil Leach who talked about AI intelligence, its effect and progression on humanity, as well as the future that we should expect with its expansion. Something that I found really interesting was the quote that said “what we know how to do, machines will do better than us” because this was a fear that’s been nestled within my mind especially with the growing loss of job availabilities for young adults from our generation. While we only have ourselves to blame, — after all, we are the creators of machines and AI in the first place — it’s also important to remember that we won’t be “outdated” or “useless” because I’m a firm believer in the thought that there will always be a characteristic, skill, or an idea that can only be generated from a human. Overall, it was a really interesting lecture that helped me reflect on technology and our relationship on a day-to-day basis and what to be mindful of when utilizing these technological resources.

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