Final project draft: Many-worlds

Design Concept


Storyline and Artistic Intention

The core concept of this project is to visually explore the theories of multiverses and timelines in physics. Inspired by the idea that our universe is just one of many possible worlds, the project seeks to simulate the creation, divergence, and interaction of multiple timelines. Incorporating the butterfly effect, it demonstrates how minor decisions can lead to significant changes, emphasizing the interconnectedness and complexity of our universe.


The project will visually represent time as a network of lines, symbolizing different timelines that twist, intersect, and evolve. This ‘net of timelines’ will be dynamic, continuously changing and growing in response to user interactions.

Theories to be used

  1. Multiverse Theory:
    • Description: This theory suggests that there are multiple, perhaps infinite, universes coexisting alongside our own. Each universe within the multiverse can have different physical laws and fundamental constants.
    • Relation to Project: Representing each timeline as a part of a broader multiverse, where every decision branches out into a new universe or timeline.
  2. Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI):
    • Description: An interpretation of quantum mechanics, MWI proposes that all possible alternative histories and futures are real and exist in a vast array of parallel universes.
    • Relation to Project: Simulation of the divergence of timelines in the canvas, reflecting the idea that every quantum event leads to a branching of the universe into a multitude of possible outcomes.
  3. Timeline Theory:
    • Description: This concept revolves around the notion of time as a linear or branching path, where events are ordered from past to future. It suggests that different choices or events can lead to different timelines.
    • Relation to Project: There will be a visual ‘net of timelines’ in my project that will embody this theory, with the user’s actions causing divergences and convergences in the timelines, illustrating how different choices can lead to different futures.
  4. Butterfly Effect:
    • Description: A principle of chaos theory stating that small causes can have large effects. The classic example is that the flap of a butterfly’s wings might ultimately cause a tornado.

Interaction Methodology

Chosen Interaction Method

The primary mode of interaction will be through a mouse. Users will influence the timeline network by clicking and dragging within the canvas.

Implementation Plan

  • Clicking on a blank area of the canvas will create a new timeline.
  • Dragging the mouse will cause the timelines to twist and merge.
  • Right-clicking (or a similar gesture) will allow users to erase or alter segments of the timelines.

Canvas Design

User-Interaction Instructions

Clear instructions will be provided on the canvas, guiding users on how to create, alter, and interact with the timelines.

Parameters and User Experience Plan

  • The canvas will be designed to be intuitive, with minimal instructions needed.
  • The parameters will include the thickness of the timelines, their color, and the degree to which they interact with each other.
  • A plan to guide the user experience will be illustrated, ensuring that the project is both visually captivating and easy to understand.


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