Week 11 Assignment — Cellular Automata


I first wanted to do some research about the varying art pieces that I could generate using the cellular automata concept, and amongst the ones that popped up in my browser, I really liked how the pyramid ones were encompassing both creativity and simplicity; from a glance they seem like they are all similar, but once you take a closer look you realize that they are more different than you think. The general ones looked like these, which is from this link: Totalistic Cellular Automaton -- from Wolfram MathWorld

However, to me, these “cells” reminded me of the pixelated screens of the earlier televisions from the 1900s, like the one shown in the image below from this link:

Seamless pixelated tv noise texture. television signal noise grain. screen interferences glitches

Therefore, I decided to combine them so that I have a moving, colored pyramid pattern. I also referred to this video from the Coding Train before jumping into the assignment.


To make it interactive, I thought that it’d be fun if the user can actually modify the code sketch themselves by either subtracting/adding the colored cells onto the canvas with a mouse click.

To implement this function, I used the below snippet of code, which I consider as the highlight of my code:

function mousePressed() {
  // Toggle the state of the clicked cell
  let clickedCellX = floor(mouseX / cellSize);
  let clickedCellY = floor(mouseY / cellSize);

  if (clickedCellX >= 0 && clickedCellX < cells.length && clickedCellY >= 0 && clickedCellY < generations) {
    cells[clickedCellX][clickedCellY] = 1 - cells[clickedCellX][clickedCellY];

I also experimented with different sizes of the cell and the canvas size, as attached below:

this was when cellSize = 3  this was when cellSize = 10

Although my initial vision was closest to the visuals of when the cellSize was set to 3, I wanted the users to interact with the cells by clicking on them to make them disappear/appear, and because I thought that might be harder to do when the cells were too tiny, I changed them to size 7 so that it’s still small enough to give that television’s pixelated screen effect but also big enough to be clicked on easily.

Final Sketch:

(Click on the canvas once and then you should be able to add/remove the cells from the canvas!)


It was really fun to use my own project to generate different patterns within the pyramid to give variations, and I attached a heart sketch I’ve made by clicking continuously on the canvas below:

This was a really fun project, and I think I might want to explore with this a bit more, whether it be my final project or on my own!

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