Final Project Concept

A concept that I’ve been thinking of is experimenting with fractals. An immediate idea that came into my mind was creating Korean traditional pattern designs using the concept of fractals, such as these:

This idea was specifically inspired by the professor’s demonstration of “building” or “growing” a tree with a mouse click during our latest lecture, and I thought I could implement the same logic using these patterns. I’ve always had a deep interest in the Korean traditional art and promoting about it, so this topic in particular intrigued me.

I was thinking of ways to make this more interactive and “complicated,” and I thought of using music as an additional element to do so — by having the screen show a person playing the gayageum, which is a Korean traditional instrument, the user can interact with the screen by pressing keys on the keyboard, which will generate different sounds as well as different patterns at the click.

For example, I’d have the key “ENTER” set as a key that plays the note “re” and builds/completes a pattern once it is pressed a certain number of times.

As the final result, I’m imagining something like this, where patterns will be drawn at different parts of the canvas with different keys playing notes:

This is a rough concept I have for now, but I’m sure it’s subjected to change as I brainstorm over the break!

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