Reading Response – Week 10

Neil Leach on AI & Architecture

The talk by Neil Leach interestingly sheds light on the relationship between architecture and artificial intelligence (AI) which is one I have never considered before, simply because AI was always associated with technology for me and architecture was rather something physical and more related to intricately calculated engineering mechanics. Through the talk Neil makes multiple comparisons to describe the evolution of AI. One comparison he makes is between GANs and diffusion models in their approaches to generative modeling. The difference between them marks a significant shift, emphasizing the transformative nature of the AI technologies. According to Leach AI is an “invisible super-intelligent alien species”. This statement is not an exaggeration especially after observing the examples Leach proposes in terms of AI applications in architecture. What I specifically found interesting was the leap from neural networks to diffusion models that was enabled through AI. Examples on these models are SpaceMaker and Look X which are just a few from a lot more. Leach predicts AI will add a forward-looking dimension to the world of architecture especially for how adaptable and changeable it is. He also explains that through embracing emerging platforms and adapting them to the architectural world concerns about economic shifts in the profession will doubtlessly arise. This point that he mentions I find very interesting because it opens up a conversation about the extent to which is going to take over our lives and will we as a result of AI become slowly less intelligent as a species? Overall, this talk serves as a comprehensive and insightful guide for architects navigating the ever-evolving landscape of AI, and also brings up questions generally about how much we can adapt AI into our lives and how can we have these technologies work for our advantage and not against us.

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