Final Project Draft #2

Concept development

I believe I was able to achieve my initial concept and allow the user to control the CA simulation by body movements.

I have developed 2 versions of my concept, one with video displayed and the other without. I hope to pick the final version after the user testing stage. Here are the 2 versions (open in full screen, camera access required):

Here are some of my thoughts on the different versions.

Advantages of Displaying Video:

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Seeing live video might enhance user engagement, especially since the interaction involves real-time reactions to movements.
  2. Visual Feedback: Video provides visual feedback that helps users understand how their actions are affecting the system, creating a more clear experience.
  3. Creative Expression: Video display adds to the creative expression, allowing users to be part of the visual outcome.

Advantages of Not Displaying Video:

  1. Focus on Visualization: Without the distraction of the live video, users may focus more on the visual elements generated by the application, such as patterns, colors, and the CA element.
  2. Aesthetic Choice: Absence of video results in a cleaner, more stylized look. It is more aesthetically appealing.
  3. Reduced Cognitive Load: The absence of a live video stream may reduce cognitive load, allowing users to concentrate on specific interactions without additional visual input, thus enhancing focus on the visual outcome.

To make a better decision about which version to proceed with, I am planning to track the engagement time as well as record the different opinions and reasoning of the participants in the user testing.

Next steps:

I want to advance my project by adding an event, either a change in colors or in the rules of CA when a certain pose is detected. I believe that such an addition would enhance the interactivity aspect, as it would provide additional feedback to the user’s movements.

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