Final Project Update – Abdelrahman Mallasi

Key Developments:

  1. Face Detection and Isolation: Utilizing ml5.js’s FaceAPI, the sketch can now detect and isolate the user’s face. The surrounding area is rendered white, enhancing the clarity and focus of our visual effects.
  2. Pixel Manipulation for Face Distortion: I’ve implemented a pixel manipulation technique to create a melting effect on the detected face area, adding a facial distortion quality to represent hallucinatory experiences.
  3. Dynamic Flocking Systems: When the user’s face moves to the right half of the screen, a black flocking system activates, while the left half activated a red flocking system. These boids, as a well as the user’s distorted face,  leave a trace behind them as they move. This creates a haunting visual effect which contributes to the disturbing nature of the hallucinations.Embedded Code

Next Steps: A feature I want to add is the ability to detect when the user smiles. This functionality will be tied to an interactive element that transforms the visual environment, marking a positive shift in the hallucinatory experience.

Challenges: It was time-consuming implementing the integration and distortion of the user’s face. Firstly, I initially ran into a lot of errors using faceAPI feature, and it was difficult navigating and learning a new workspace like ml5.js. Furthermore, implementing the facial distortion was difficult since I had no prior experience with pixel manipulation.

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