Final Project Update: many worlds

Progress Overview

Since my initial blog post outlining the ambitious concept of simulating multiverses and timelines, I have delved deep into the realms of coding and artistic expression using p5.js. My journey has been both challenging and exhilarating, as I work to bring the intricate theories of multiverses, timeline divergence, and the butterfly effect to life.

Implementing Gravitational Points and Line Formation

A significant milestone in my project has been the implementation of gravitational points on the canvas. These points act as origins for particles that radiate outward, forming random line figures reminiscent of strings. The concept is to simulate the idea of timelines diverging from a central point, influenced by random attractors placed throughout the canvas. This design choice aligns beautifully with the core theories driving my project, particularly the notion of intertwined timelines.

Attraction Between Lines

To enhance the visual appeal and to resonate more deeply with the underlying theories, I introduced an attraction mechanism between lines. This feature ensures that the lines not only diverge but also converge, creating a dynamic and visually stunning representation of timelines that are constantly interacting with one another.

Challenges and Solutions

Computational Intensity and Optimization

One of the major challenges faced during development has been the computational intensity required by the project. Initially, this limitation restricted me to working with a smaller canvas size. However, recognizing the need to expand and enhance the user experience, I am currently focused on optimizing the processes. The goal is to enable a larger canvas size without compromising the performance or the intricate details of the simulation.

Looking Ahead

Enhancing User Interaction

The next phase of the project will involve refining the user interaction methodology. While the current design allows for user influence through clicking and dragging, I plan to explore more intuitive and engaging ways for users to interact with the timeline network.

User Experience and Visual Aesthetics

In parallel with the technical optimizations, a key focus will remain on ensuring that the canvas is not only visually captivating but also intuitive for users. This includes fine-tuning the parameters like the thickness and color of the timelines and their interaction dynamics.



This project is a journey through the complexities of physics and the beauty of visual arts. As I continue to tackle the technical challenges and enhance the user experience, I am ever more excited about the potential of this simulation to provide a unique and thought-provoking exploration of multiverses and timelines. Stay tuned for more updates as the project evolves!

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