Blackhole Dynamic Exploration



Embark on a fascinating journey into the enigmatic realm of black holes through our interactive simulation project. This walkthrough delves into the intricacies of simulating black holes’ gravitational influence on particles in a 2D space.

Simulation Dynamics:

Our simulation is designed to emulate the gravitational pull of black holes on particles. The setup() function initializes the canvas and GUI interface, allowing users to manipulate parameters such as black hole types, gravitational constant, particle count, and reset functionality.
Particle Behavior:
The Particle class defines particle behavior, including position, velocity, history of movement, and their interaction with black holes. Each particle’s trajectory is influenced by gravitational forces exerted by the black holes, leading to dynamic and visually engaging movements.
Black Hole Representation:
Utilizing the Blackhole class, we represent black holes on the canvas based on their mass and Schwarzschild radius. The visualization showcases their gravitational influence by affecting the trajectories of nearby particles.
Interactive Controls and Rendering:
Our project features an intuitive GUI interface allowing users to dynamically modify parameters, alter particle behavior, and manipulate black hole properties in real-time. This interactivity enhances user engagement and facilitates a deeper understanding of black hole dynamics.
Code Mechanics and Principles:
The core mechanics of our simulation are based on Newtonian gravitational principles, where each particle’s velocity is adjusted according to the gravitational force exerted by nearby black holes. We implement rules to halt particle movement when they enter the event horizon of a black hole, replicating the physics around these cosmic phenomena.
This code walkthrough provides insight into the simulation of black hole dynamics, illustrating gravitational interactions between particles and black holes. Through this project, users can explore and visualize the captivating behavior surrounding these astronomical entities.


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