Week 1 – Reading Response

I think that Flake’s take on how simple things can generate complex outcomes is an interesting point of view which applies to evolution, learning, and adaptation. These small adjustments can eventually adapt and can result in substantial evolutionary changes in the natural world.

I think this shows that adaptation isn’t just something living creatures do. It’s a basic part of how any system works, whether that’s in nature, a society, or even in computer programs. For example, it is the same way people adjust to new technologies and learn how to use them even if they haven’t interacted with them before.

Here’s how I see it: there is a reciprocal interaction between an adaptive system and its surroundings. The system’s modifications are influenced by the environment, and those changes may have an impact on the environment as well. This reciprocal relationship is what enables everything to change and evolve throughout time, including technology, society, and the natural world.

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