Week 1 Sketch


The concept behind this code revolves around generating a dynamic and visually engaging animation using Bézier curves. Bézier curves, often used in computer graphics to model smooth curves, provide an ideal foundation for creating a path that an animated object can follow. In this program, a “walker” moves along a Bézier curve defined by a set of fluctuating control points. The movement along the curve is complemented by changing colors, creating a lively and evolving visual pattern. This approach allows for the exploration of procedural animation techniques, where randomness and mathematical functions are used to produce aesthetically pleasing, unpredictable outcomes.

Reflections for the Future

Looking forward, there are several enhancements and extensions that could be made to this project. One possible improvement is to introduce user interactivity, allowing viewers to influence the motion, control points, or colors in real-time. Another idea is to experiment with more complex curve types, such as cubic or quadratic Bézier curves, to see how they impact the animation’s aesthetics. Furthermore, adding sound that reacts to the movement or colors could create a multisensory experience, deepening the engagement with the artwork.

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