Week 2 – Rain

Your concept:

Rain always brings me peace; therefore, for this project, I created a scene of rainfall to reflect the feeling I get when it rains. I had some ideas before I settled into this one, such as sunset and sunrise, moving waves, and birds. However, replicating rainfall spoke to me the most. 

I began this assignment by reviewing the materials for this week and watching inspirational videos of things that move. Then, I read a little about the physics behind rainfall, its average acceleration relative to its size, and velocity. I had to do some conversions and basic math to make it logical on a computer screen. For the scene, I used a PNG image for the mountains, a gradient for the sky, rain audio, and some stars to enhance the theme.

Highlight of code:

I tried to make my code neat and clean for this project by creating a different class file and functions whenever possible. The most challenging part of this project was figuring out logical numbers for the line length, acceleration, and velocity so that the rain looks similar to real life. I also had some trouble figuring out how to make sure the lines were straight and not move in any other direction, so I also experimented with it.

class RainDrop {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.position = createVector(x, y);
    // make the numbers more logical when it comes to rain in pixcels
    this.velocity = createVector(0, random(0.6, 0.9));
    this.acceleration = createVector(0.001, 0.9);
    this.length = random(10, 20);
    this.Colorstrength = random(20, 255); //form od depth
  show() {
    stroke(200, this.Colorstrength);
    //     subtracting x from the length to create a vertical line if i dont it looks weird
      this.position.y - this.length

  update() {


Embedded sketch:

Future work:

While this project satisfies what I have learned so far, in the future, I want to add other factors that affect the acceleration of a raindrop, like the force of air and its density. I also want to add more depth so that the sketch resembles real life and to enhance the experience. Furthermore, I want to loop the sound and create a button for the user to have the power to play and stop the audio.







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