Week 3: Long Distance


The idea behind my code is very personal and meaningful to me. This week’s task was about exploring attraction, repulsion, and movement, but as I worked through it, these concepts began to reflect something much deeper. I wanted to use this project to represent the experience of being far away from my loved ones back home. It’s not just the physical distance or the different time zones that can sometimes make things feel disconnected—it’s also that constant push and pull of being apart but still feeling so closely tied together.

To express this, I created clusters of moving particles. They act as symbols for the intangible but powerful connection I have with the people I care about. Even though we may be separated by distance, the bond we share remains strong and evident, just like the attraction forces at play in the code.

How it Works:

The code features two clusters of 500 particles each, influenced by invisible attractors to mimic gravitational effects. The clusters each represent a person, while the moving particles aim to give them the essence of human beings. The particles move smoothly and realistically, reflecting the attraction forces at play, like love, sadness, and sometimes anger. A connecting line between the clusters adds a sense of unity, and provides an extra touch of visual interest, but it also represents the otherwise invisible attraction and connection between the two people.

Embedded Sketch:

Code I’m Proud Of:

One aspect of the code I’m particularly proud of is the attracted function. This function employs vector math to simulate attraction between particles and attractors. It calculates the force vector, adjusts it based on distance, and applies it as acceleration. This function not only demonstrates a solid understanding of forces but also showcases my ability to translate these principles into code effectively.

class Particle {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.vel = createVector(0, 0);
    this.acc = createVector(0, 0);
    this.mass = 1; // Added mass to simulate the same behavior as the "Mover"

  // Function to apply attraction toward an invisible attractor
  attracted(target) {
    let force = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.pos);
    let distance = constrain(force.mag(), 5, 25); // Limit the distance just like in the original Mover code
    let strength = (1 * this.mass) / (distance * distance);

  // Update position and velocity
  update() {
    this.vel.limit(2); // Limit the speed just like in the original Mover code
    this.acc.mult(0); // Reset acceleration after each frame

  // Display the particle as a point
  display() {
    point(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);

Reflections and Future Work:

Looking back, I’m proud of how the attraction forces in my project brought the particle clusters to life, creating a dynamic and personal representation of connection despite distance. The way the clusters interact feels meaningful, and the organized code made refining the project easier. For future improvements, I want to explore adding forces like friction, make the experience more interactive with user controls, and experiment with different visual elements.

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