Letter Jellyfish

The project I made this week was a pure accident. While trying to experiment with one concept, I made a mistake in my code that created something so interesting I decided to keep it. I named this piece “Letter Jellyfish” because the movement of the sine waves reminded me of a jellyfish swimming. The code is on GitHub here.

My original concept, while not fully fleshed out, was intended to be a program where I experimented with creating moving 3D text over a sine wave. From there I planned to experiment with the core to make the program look more interesting. To do this, I would layer multiple sine waves made up of letters to create a “3D” effect of the text. Originally, I wanted the sine wave to iterate over the English alphabet, which would be mapped to its x-coordinate. I decided to make the wave choose random letters instead because it made the piece feel more animated and chaotic. Because the coordinate system is different in WEBGL than in 2D mode, I had trouble seeing the sine wave. I was using the camera() method to try to fix this. After this, I wanted to try to rotate the letters so they spin around while oscillating. While doing this, I accidentally rotated the entire sine waves, creating something similar to what my final piece looks like. I liked how this looked so much, that I pivoted my piece to incorporate these multiple sine waves in a 3D space instead. I tried keeping the aspect of the “3D” text as well, but the program ended up being too laggy to keep it this way. After this, to add some more visual flair to the piece, I made the waves shift their colors over time, based on the current frameCount. The code for these sine waves can be seen here:

for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    let y = map(sin(angles[i]), -1, 1, -height, height / 2);
    let x = map(i, 0, total, -width * 2, width / 2, true);
    let letter;
    letter = map(x, -width / 2, width / 2, 0, alphabet.length - 1, true);
    for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
      translate(0, 0, 0.5);
      fill((i * 2 + frameCount) % 360, 100, 100);
      text(alphabet[floor(random(alphabet.length))], x, y);
    let increment = TWO_PI / 60;
    angles[i] += increment;


I was doing a lot of experimenting using the camera() function, something I’d never used before. I was not able to make the camera move as I wanted it to, but I made a nice rudimentary one that would rotate around the piece. Ideally, I wanted the camera to occasionally go inside the center of the piece so that the camera would be surrounded by the letters close-up. This would probably be the main thing I want to improve on for this piece. I would also like to add more waves and make the pseudo-3D text, since it looked even more visually pleasing, but the program becomes too laggy to do this.

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