Midterm Progress

My midterm assignment tries to emulate the work of Jackson Pollack, an artist whose work I really enjoy. I really enjoy abstract art, and I thought the idea of trying to emulate the strokes he makes through code could make for a really interesting midterm project. I like the idea of bridging the physical into the digital, which is another reason why I wanted to try this.

Currently, my program creates a series of lines that will travel randomly and vary in its stroke size. It creates the lines in segments, and will occasionally break the line and start in a new place. I have 3 of these objects, all in different colors, that will draw the segments. You can click on the screen to generate a new set of lines, replacing the old ones. The code for the line drawer can be seen here:

class Drawer {
  constructor(seg, swScale) {
    this.seg = seg;
    this.swScale = swScale;
    this.sw = width * random(0.0002, 0.005);
    this.frame = width * 0.05;
    this.angVary = PI * 0.02;
    this.edgeBuff = height * 0.08;
    this.lineLength = height * 0.001;
    this.x = round(random(width));
    this.y = round(random(height));
    this.prevX = this.x;
    this.prevY = this.y;
    this.ang = random(PI * 2);
    if (random(2) < 1) {
      this.ang = PI * 0.25;
    } else {
      this.ang = PI * 0.75;
  makeLines() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.seg; i++) {
      this.ang = this.ang + random(-this.angVary, this.angVary);
      this.x = this.lineLength * sin(this.ang) + this.x;
      this.y = this.lineLength * cos(this.ang) + this.y;
      if (
        this.x > width ||
        this.x < 0 ||
        this.y > height ||
        this.y < 0
      ) {
        this.ang += 0.2;
      this.sw += width * random(-0.00003, 0.00003);
      this.sw = constrain(this.sw, width * 0.0001, width * 0.009);
      strokeWeight(this.sw * this.swScale);
      line(this.prevX, this.prevY, this.x, this.y);
      this.prevX = this.x;
      this.prevY = this.y;
      if (random(1000) < 1) {
        this.sw = width * random(0.0002, 0.005);
        this.x = round(random(width));
        this.y = round(random(height));
        this.prevX = this.x;
        this.prevY = this.y;
        this.ang = random(PI * 2);
        if (random(2) < 1) {
          this.ang = PI * 0.25;
        } else {
          this.ang = PI * 0.75;

Creating this object was the most difficult part so far. I was trying to figure out ways to make the lines move randomly but not too erratically. After much trial and error, I managed to make some numbers that looked good to me.

My next steps are to add the paint blobs, which I think could be the hardest part, because I want them to be misshapen. After that, I can work more on the interactivity by adding such things as ways to modify the amount of lines made. I also want to add more layers, because right now there is a lot of empty space and I want to minimize that at bit more. Adding more layers will also make the pieces look more interesting and make them look more like a Pollack piece, which has countless layers of paint on them. The last part I intend to do is work on is adding more colors, I am perhaps thinking about using random colors, but I am unsure how this will end up looking.

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