Generating Voronoi Cells with a Noise Overlay

Project Concept and Design

The goal of this project was to create an interactive Voronoi diagram that responds dynamically to user input and produces aesthetically compelling outputs by adding generative noise. The idea stemmed from the desire to visualize Voronoi patterns, which are generated by partitioning a canvas into regions based on the distance to a set of given points. Each point acts as a “cell center,” and the area around it forms its own unique region.

The primary objectives of the project were to:

  1. Develop an interactive tool that allows users to generate and explore Voronoi diagrams.
  2. Implement different visual variations using color noise and dynamic borders.
  3. Introduce a mechanism for rendering high-quality SVG exports, so users can save and share their creations.

Click the screen to put down a cell. WARNING: Cell generation takes time.


Key Components and Design Decisions

  1. Concept of Voronoi Diagrams: Voronoi diagrams divide a plane into cells based on the distance to a set of points. Each point is the “seed” of a cell, and the cell comprises all the points closer to that seed than to any other. By using the Euclidean distance between each point on the canvas and each seed, I determined which cell a given pixel belonged to. This was implemented in the code using nested loops iterating over every pixel on the canvas.
  2. User Interactivity: To make the program interactive, I incorporated mouse-based interaction. Users can click anywhere on the canvas to add new cell centers, which dynamically redraws the entire Voronoi diagram. This way, users can create and explore different patterns based on the arrangement of cell centers.
  3. Generative Art Techniques: Instead of filling each Voronoi cell with a solid color, I wanted to experiment with visual noise to give a more organic feel. I used Perlin noise (noise()) to create outlines reminiscent of a height map. This produces a grainy texture that adds depth and uniqueness to each cell while retaining the overall Voronoi structure.
  4. Border Detection: One of the most critical visual elements in Voronoi diagrams is the border between cells. I implemented a pixel-based edge detection by comparing each pixel’s color with its right and lower neighbors. If the colors differed, it indicated a boundary, and I set that pixel’s color to black to create crisp, clear borders.

Project Development and Challenges

  1. Implementing Voronoi Calculations Efficiently: The first major hurdle was the efficiency of the Voronoi generation. Each pixel needs to be classified based on its distance to all cell centers, which scales poorly as more cells are added. I attempted optimizations, such as limiting the range of cells to check based on a maximum radius, but these did not yield significant performance improvements.
  2. Handling Color Transitions with Noise: Initially, I experimented with applying noise to the entire canvas indiscriminately, but this made it difficult to distinguish cell boundaries. I resolved this by using a lower noise scale and blending the cell color with a base color (white) to reduce visual clutter while retaining a natural texture.
  3. Anti-Aliasing and Edge Smoothing: A key issue was achieving smooth edges, especially along cell borders. I attempted to implement anti-aliasing by blending pixel colors based on their distance to the border, but this proved difficult within p5.js’s pixel-based drawing environment. Ultimately, I increased the pixelDensity() to minimize aliasing artifacts.

The Most Complex and Frightening Part

The most daunting part of this project was optimizing the Voronoi generation algorithm. Due to the pixelwise nature of the computation, the performance dropped rapidly as the number of cells increased. To minimize this risk, I conducted experiments with various distance calculation optimizations, such as bounding box checks and region partitioning, but none provided a breakthrough solution. Ultimately, I accepted that the current implementation, while not perfectly optimized, is still effective for typical canvas sizes and cell counts.

What I Would Do Differently

If I had more time, I would:

  1. Implement a more efficient Voronoi generation using a Fortune’s Algorithm, which scales better than pixel-based methods.
  2. Experiment with different visualizations, such as using curves or gradient fills for cell interiors.
  3. Create a more advanced edge detection algorithm that produces smoother, anti-aliased borders without compromising on performance.

Final Thoughts

This project pushed my understanding of generative art and computational geometry. By exploring different variations and solving various challenges, I was able to produce a compelling, interactive system that not only generates Voronoi diagrams but also serves as a tool for artistic exploration. Though there are areas for improvement, I am satisfied with the current state of the program and look forward to iterating on it further in the future.

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