For this week’s assignment, my dynamic flocking system is a school of fish. I added some oscillation to their weights by using sin(). I also randomized their maxSpeed and maxForce to make it seem more natural.
Code Snippet & Challenges:
function mousePressed() { let attractionPoint = createVector(mouseX, mouseY); for (let boid of flock.boids) { let attraction = p5.Vector.sub(attractionPoint, boid.position); attraction.setMag(0.6); boid.applyForce(attraction); } for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { particles.push(new Particle(mouseX, mouseY)); } }
In this part of the code, I added a mousePressed() function in which the fish get attracted to wherever the mouse is at the time when it is clicked on the canvas. I also added some food particles for the fish, which is what they attracted to. I would say the most challenging part was figuring out what the formula is for the attraction part.
Future Improvements:
- I would definitely add a more colorful background and some sounds, for now I wanted to focus on more of the technical aspect of the school of fish.