Week 10: Collecting Boxes


For this assignment, I just wanted to create a simple game. The collecting ball game has a paddle and boxes that are done from the top of the screen and the user moves the paddle to collide with as many boxes as possible. The concept is simple right now and it could be a starting point for a more complicated game

The Game

The users use the left and right arrows to play and some of the challenges I faced in this game were making the movement movement of the paddles smooth and also using matter.js itself was a bit challenging.

Future Improvements

As I have said earlier this could be a starting point for a more complicated game. One way would be to allow users to focus on collecting a specific shape and on other occasions a specific color and sometimes both specific shapes and colors and also changing the area of the screen to focus in the game from left to right meaning asking users only to collect boxes dropping from the top right or top left.  Adding these levels would make the game more interesting. Also, some of the mechanics like the movement of the paddle could be improved.

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