For this assignment I wanted to mimic the movements of organisms that live in groups. My first idea was to center it around a school or fish or a flock of birds. But after some experimentation I realized coding a swarm of fireflies would work well with the simplistic design I was going for, since we normally see them as bright points anyway in real life. The video below is what I based my movement code on.
Fireflies are known for their enchanting flashing behavior, and in this project, I tried to mimic their signature glow and also added an interactive element by controlling their movement using the mouse pointer. This combination results in a visually engaging and interactive experience.
How It Works:
- Flashing Behavior: I use trigonometric functions to generate the rhythmic flashing of fireflies. The phase, frequency, and amplitude of the flash are randomized to add variety.
- Movement Control: Fireflies’ movement is controlled by acceleration vectors. We apply forces to simulate attraction or repulsion from the mouse pointer and Perlin noise for random motion.
- Interactive Mouse Control: When the mouse is nearby, fireflies either move away from it (repulsion), creating dynamic patterns.
- Canvas Wrapping: To prevent fireflies from leaving the canvas, we use conditional statements to wrap them around when they reach the canvas boundaries.
What I like about it:
- Realistic Behavior: The combination of flashing patterns, dynamic movement, and interactive control creates a realistic and captivating simulation of firefly behavior.
- Interactivity: The ability to influence the fireflies’ behavior with the mouse adds an element of interactivity, making it both visually appealing and engaging for users.
- Exploration: Users can experiment with different mouse movements and observe how the fireflies respond, making each interaction a unique experience.
Difficult code:
The most challenging part was trying to make the mouse pointer repel the fireflies within a specific range, but I managed to do it below by reversing the unit vector of the fireflies pointing towards the mouse pointer.
let desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.position); let d = desired.mag(); if (d < 50) { desired.setMag(this.maxSpeed); desired.mult(-1); let steer = p5.Vector.sub(desired, this.velocity); steer.limit(this.maxForce); this.applyForce(steer); }