Project title: Dark Side of the Moon
This week’s assignment is inspired by the surface of the moon. It is covered with craters large and small, and the sand is being blown among the surface.
I wanted to create a more dynamic movement of the boids, that’s why I applied a sine value to the separate, align, and cohere functions and made the distance limitation change over time.
flock(boids) { time_off += 0.01; let sin_value = sin(time_off); let separate_control = map(sin_value, -1, 1, 1, 50); let align_control = map(sin_value, -1, 1, 30, 0); let cohere_control = map(sin_value, -1, 1, 50, 500); let sep = this.separate(boids, separate_control); // Separation let ali = this.align(boids, align_control); // Alignment let coh = this.cohere(boids, cohere_control); // Cohesion
To create the craters on the moon’s surface, I placed several “obstacles” around the canvas, and made the boids near the obstacles flee from them. I adjusted the parameters to make some of the boids go across the obstacles while the others bounce back. This creates a more natural feeling.
// main for (let i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i ++) { let obstacle = obstacles[i]; // circle(obstacle.x, obstacle.y, 10); flock.avoid(obstacle); } // flock class avoid(obstacle) { for (let boid of this.boids) { let d = p5.Vector.dist(boid.position, obstacle); if (d > 0 && d < 100) { boid.avoid(obstacle); } } } // boid class avoid(obstacle) { let desired = p5.Vector.sub(this.position, obstacle); desired.setMag(this.maxspeed); // Steering = Desired minus velocity let steer = p5.Vector.sub(desired, this.velocity); steer.mult(0.02); // Limit to maximum steering force this.applyForce(steer); }
Finally, I set the blend mode to “add” which makes the patterns more aesthetic.
Possible improvements:
Maybe I can draw lines between each pair of boids that are close enough to each other, or try other kinds of blend modes.