The physics and constraint properties of the matter.js library give us a lot of opportunities to construct an environment with unique properties such as gravity, air friction, force field, and complicated linked objects. Therefore, I wanted to create a jellyfish with flexible tentacles consisting of many nodes linked with constraints, and this jellyfish is floating in a nearly zero-gravity environment.
However, due to limited time, this is still a work in progress and I think it really has a lot of space to improve.
The first challenge is how to create a tentacle that is a chain of nodes. I referred to the coding train’s tutorial to create a series of nodes and added a constraint between each pair of them.
for (let i = 0; i < 40; i += 1) { let r = 1; let new_node = new Circle(200+n+n*i, i, r); circles.push(new_node); if (i != 0) { let constraint_options = { bodyA: circles[circles.length - 1].body, bodyB: circles[circles.length - 2].body, length: 2 + r, stiffness: 0.1-i/400, }; let constraint = Constraint.create(constraint_options); Composite.add(world, constraint); } } }
However, the nodes are moving too vibrantly and they are just bouncing back and forth on the whole canvas. I figured out several ways to slow them down:
/* methods to reduce crazy movements:
1. add r to constraint length, otherwise, the constraint will intend to shrink and cause too vibrant movement
2. decrease stiffness of the constraint
3. decrease gravity scale
4. increase the air friction*/
The second challenge is to connect the leading nodes of all the tentacles to a mutual point: the jellyfish’s head. I used a revolute constraint whose position is updated every frame to be mouse position. However, I don’t know how to “update”, so I could only create a new constraint every frame. I will figure this out in the future!
let base_options = { bodyA: circles[0].body, pointB: { x:mouseX+n, y:mouseY }, length: 0, stiffness: 0.1, }; base_constraint = Constraint.create(base_options); Composite.add(world, base_constraint); tentacles.push(circles);
At last, I set the gravity scale to zero.
Future improvements:
The first thing is to organize the code, I should create a Tentacle class to better organize the system of objects. Also, I can incorporate the steering force we learned earlier into the movement of the jellyfish head to create a more organic feeling.