Sketch – Week1


I wanted to create a self-avoiding walk and when the walk ended there would be a morphing shape displayed.

Embedded Sketch

Code Highlight

function displayShape() {

  // Rotate the shape around the y-axis
  rotateY(frameCount * 0.05);

  // Draw shape using the curve function
  fill(167, 250, 250);
  curve(-500, 500, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 500, 500, 0);

Future Improvements

The self-avoiding walk was time-consuming to figure out, and it was my first time using curve(). I had difficulty implementing it into my code as I haven’t worked with “WEBGL”, and thus had to modify my code accordingly. In the future, I want to try to add text to the displayShape screen as well, as I couldn’t figure out how to add it with “WEBGL” interfering.

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