Week 4: Simple Harmonic Motion


For this week’s assignment, I used simple harmonic motion to create a cyclone-looking animation.

Cyclone - Wikipedia
from Wikipedia


Code snippet:

// circles re-iteration
  for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    let y = map(sin(angles[i]), -1, 1, -100, 100);
    let x = map(i, 0, total, -200, 200);
    push(); // saves the current state
    circle(y, x, r);

    pop(0); //pop() restores the previous state after rotation is complete

    // incrementation
    let increment = TWO_PI / 60;
    angles[i] += increment;

This part of the code continuously draws the circles to create the animation. I used push() and pop() to not affect other parts of the code.

Reflection and Improvements:

  • One of the difficulties I faced was getting the background to be a blue-ish color while also having it re-drawn to give the animation a fading effect.
  • For improvement, I would want it to look more like a cyclone and have some sort of user interaction. I would also add sounds to it.

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