Week 5: MidTerm Project Progress


The project’s main idea is to create a particle system with different interactive features. The generated art is still abstract to me right now. I was inspired by Memo Akten’s work which contains a particle system-like feature. Right now the project is still in its early stages but hopefully, I will find a more solid version of the visualization by the end of this week.


The features I want this generative visualization to have include:

  • Movement in the direction of the mouse
  • Line connections
  • Random motion
  • Concentric polygon arrangements
  • Particle system features: lifetime and individual particle motion

Current Progress

Currently, I have done some of the features of this visual system. However, Maintaining a line connection when the arrangement of particles is changing is a bit difficult because the line connection creates a random motion. You can test this in the draft visualization provided below.

Press 1:  to create a random motion
Press 2: to create line connections
Prees 4: to create a circular arrangement
Press 5: to create a triangular arrangement

Reflection and Improvement

So far what I have looks okay but I want to add interactivity with a mouse and also add tails to the particles. Still, the most important thing I have to figure out is to maintain the arrangement when there is a line connection.

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