Week 3 | I’ve come to bargain!

Check out the sketch here!
Concept & Inspiration

This weekend, a lot of things happened. Because some unfortunate things happened, I decided to re-watch a few Marvel movies. After this I got an inspiration for Week 3’s assignment to create an eye that looks like Dormamu’s, the main antagonist of Doctor Strange.

How it works

A particle class called Particle takes a few arguments (position, velocity, color). Overall, the class defines the behavior of a particle in the sketch. It contains a display() method that checks whether the particle is in a certain position, within a certain distance from the attractor, and whether it should be reflected or not. The particle’s path is visualized as a line between its current and previous positions.

class Particle {
  constructor(pos, v, color) {
    this.pos = pos; //Current Position
    this.pos_before = pos; //Previous Position
    this.v = v; //Velocity
    this.a = createVector(0, 0); //Acceleration, starting at 0,0
    this.color = color; //Color
display() {
stroke(this.color.x, this.color.y, this.color.z); //Stroke color based on XYZ
line(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.pos_before.x, this.pos_before.y); //Line from current to prev. pos this gives a trail effect.

If a particle comes into contact with an attractor (the one in the middle), a reflection occurs:

  1. The particle is moved to the surface of the attractor by adjusting its position vector.
  2. The velocity vector is  (multiplied by -1), and the particle is slightly rotated to simulate a reflection angle.
  3. The velocity is also scaled down by multiplying 0.9 to simulate some loss of energy upon reflection.

The main sketch sets up the canvas, initializes particles, and controls their movement under the influence of gravity and collision dynamics. A central attractor is created as a rotating ring of gravitational points. Particles are randomly spawned outside the central attractor and move according to gravitational forces. Each particle reacts to the gravitational field by accelerating toward attractor points, and each particle can reflect off the surfaces of attractors if they collide.

Challenges and things to improve

I wanted to create a particle simulation that does not rely on particle systems. As an alternative, I relied mostly on arrays. Due to this, some calculations required me to deep dive into a bit of mathematics more than I initially planned. Also, initially, I wanted to make two eyes, but having two attractors provided to break the entire simulation, perhaps part of n-body problem characteristics. Thus, I did not want to go further into that concept.

Resources Used

Mutual Attraction – Daniel Shiffman

Inverse Square Law – Derek Owens

angleBetween – p5.js

rotate – p5.js

Moths to a Light Source

For this week’s assignment, the first thing I thought of when I saw “attractors,” I thought of moths and other insects flying around a light. Right outside my home’s front door is a light that always has bugs flying around it. Whenever I leave or return home, I see them while unlocking my front door. So, I decided I would try to emulate this with a program. It can be seen here:

Code on GitHub here.

The image in the background is the lamp in front of my house. Since I can’t easily get home from Abu Dhabi, I asked my brother to take a picture of it at night, while the light was on. The code is simple, it has a point that is an attractor and then a Moth class that will move towards and away from the light, simulating insects hovering around a light. I also added some random positioning when calculating the movement of the moths, to emulate the erratic way insects sometimes fly. The colors of the moths get lighter or darker depending on the distance from the light, to emulate actual light. I also tried to add wings to the moth that would constantly move. It’s not perfect, but it is at least somewhat animated. The moths also rotate themselves so they are always facing the light. This all can be seen here:

display(light) {
    let distance = Math.abs(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.pos.x-light.pos.x, 2)+Math.pow(this.pos.y-light.pos.y, 2)))
    let theta = this.vel.heading() + PI / 2;
    map(distance, 0, height, 50, 200)
    translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y)
    ellipse(0, 0, this.size*0.6, this.size);
    if (this.counter%2 == 0) {
    } else {
    ellipse(4, -2, this.size*0.8, this.size*0.5);
    ellipse(-4, -2, this.size*0.8, this.size*0.5);

If I were to improve this, I think I would try to make the wings more accurate for the moths. Also, I would want to try making the movement better, perhaps adding variable speeds for the insects or allowing them to stop and land on the light, before taking off into flight again.


Concept and Inspiration:

Clifford attractors are fascinating mathematical objects that produce intricate patterns when iteratively calculated. I was inspired by the work of Paul Bourke who uses similar concepts to create mesmerizing visuals.

Code Breakdown:

class Attractor {
  constructor() {
    // Generate random parameters for the attractor equation
    this.a = random(-2, 2);
    this.b = random(-2, 2);
    this.c = random(0.5, 2);
    this.d = random(0.5, 2);
    this.pos = createVector(0, 0); // Initial position

    // Assign two random colors for interpolation
    this.color1 = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
    this.color2 = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));

  update() {
    // Calculate the next position based on the attractor equation
    let xNext = sin(this.a * this.pos.y) + this.c * cos(this.a * this.pos.x);
    let yNext = sin(this.b * this.pos.x) + this.d * cos(this.b * this.pos.y);
    this.pos.set(xNext, yNext);

  show() {
    // Map the attractor's position to screen coordinates
    let xScreen = map(this.pos.x, -3, 3, 0, width);
    let yScreen = map(this.pos.y, -3, 3, 0, height);

    // Interpolate between the two colors based on position magnitude
    let lerpAmount = map(this.pos.mag(), 0, 5, 0, 1);
    let lerpedColor = lerpColor(this.color1, this.color2, lerpAmount);

    stroke(lerpedColor); // Set the stroke color
    point(xScreen, yScreen); // Draw a point at the calculated position

let attractors = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

  // Create an array of attractors
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    attractors.push(new Attractor());

function draw() {
  background(220, 10); // Fade the background slightly

  for (let attractor of attractors) {
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

function mousePressed() {
  if (mouseButton === LEFT) {
    attractors = []; // Clear existing attractors
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      attractors.push(new Attractor());


I’m particularly proud of the show() function, which handles the color interpolation based on the attractor’s position. This creates a smooth transition between two randomly generated colors, adding depth and visual interest to the patterns.

Embedded Sketch: (click screen to render new art)

Reflection and Future Work:

This project was a fun exploration of generative art and p5.js.

Future improvements:

  • User Interaction: Allow users to interact with the sketch by changing parameters or adding new attractors.

  • Animation: Introduce animation to the attractors, making them move or change over time.

Problems Encountered:

  • Visual Fidelity: Finding a good balance of colors was challenging. As well, when rendering, the images come out very grainy. I must experiment further to see if that can be improved

  • Performance: With a large number of attractors, the sketch can become slow. I might explore optimization techniques to improve performance.

Overall, this project was a rewarding experience that allowed me to learn more about generative art and p5.js.

Works cited:

Clifford Attractors : r/p5js (reddit.com)

Clifford Attractors (paulbourke.net)

Sketch – Week 3


For this week’s assignment I wanted to create fish swimming towards ripples in the water. The ripple would create attraction for the fish, and the fish would slow down as they reached the ripple. I used force and drag to create these effects.

Code Snippet

if (this.target != null) {
  let force = p5.Vector.sub(this.target, this.pos); // Force towards target
  let dist = force.mag(); // Distance to target
  force.setMag(map(dist, 0, 100, 0, 1)); // Adjust force based on distance

  let drag = this.vel.copy().mult(-1.6).mult(0.1); // Create drag force
  this.applyForce(drag); // Apply drag to slow down near target

  if (dist < 10) this.target = null; // Clear target if close
} else {
  // If no target, allow fish to move randomly
  // Add slight randomness to velocity
  if (this.vel.mag() < 1) {
    this.vel.x += random(-0.1, 0.1);
    this.vel.y += random(-0.1, 0.1);
  this.vel.limit(6); // Limit speed to ensure natural movement

this.vel.add(this.acc); // Update velocity
this.pos.add(this.vel); // Update position
this.acc.mult(0); // Reset acceleration

Embedded Code



If I had more time, I would have the fish flow more seamlessly. Additionally, I think the drag continues to slow the fish down indefinitely, and I would trouble shoot that. I would also try to gamify the sketch a bit more, but having a start screen and an animation of fish food entering the water.

week3 – attractors and movers


The concept for this project was to be able to create a recognizable pattern while also using movers and attractors. I was inspired by the flower-dotted patterns as well as Dan Gries’s work. In this project, I try to integrate what we learned in class to recreate such a pattern. However, I decided to add more forces that can disturb the pattern as if it’s almost a shadow.

Highlight of some code:

For this project, I decided to build upon the practice we had in class. I initially wrote a code similar to what we did in class and then watched the nature of the code video and added elements to that. I played around with the names to see what patterns I got. After that, I decided to create some turbulence by creating a bouncing effect when the balls reached the borders of the canvas and by creating gravity between some of the particles. I had so many issues with debugging the code because I was experimenting with it mostly to create a pattern I liked. I think the most challenging part was making the different bodies work relatively in response to one another while also creating interesting shapes as they moved around the canvas. 

These images are different iterations at different stages of my code until I reach the desired result.

class Mover {
  constructor(x, y, m) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.vel = p5.Vector.random2D();
     // this.vel.mult(5);
    //     the acceleration will change when forces act on it
    this.acc = createVector(0, 0);
    this.mass = m;//this store mass m of mover []
    this.r = sqrt(this.mass) * 0.15; //r=sqr m * a constant this is for the radious 

  applyForce(force) {
    let f = p5.Vector.div(force, this.mass);
    this.acc.add(f); //add the forces to acceleration 
//   attract to one another gravity btw diff objects
  TwoAttract(mover) {
    //this.pos-mover=vector(from mover to another mover)
    let force = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, mover.pos); // 
    let distanceSq = constrain(force.magSq(), 1000, 10000); //limit btwn 1000 and 10000
    let G = 0.2; //gravatational constant 
    let strength = (G * (this.mass * mover.mass)) / distanceSq; //f=G*(m1m2)/d'2 law of gravity 
    force.setMag(strength); //set the force and mag as calculated 
    mover.applyForce(force); //apply calculated to mover 

  update() {
    this.acc.set(0, 0);
        // Boundary checks 
    if (this.pos.x > width) {
      this.pos.x = width;
      this.vel.x *= -1; // Reverse horizontal velocity when hitting right edge
    } else if (this.pos.x < 0) {
      this.pos.x = 0;
      this.vel.x *= -0.1; // Reverse horizontal velocity when hitting left edge
    if (this.pos.y > height) {
      this.pos.y = height;
      this.vel.y *= -0.2; // Reverse vertical velocity when hitting bottom edge
    } else if (this.pos.y < 0) {
      this.pos.y = 0;
      this.vel.y *= -0.2; // Reverse vertical velocity when hitting top edge
    // Reset acceleration to 0 after each frame
  //     colors function
   let R = random(90, 100); // r is a random number between 0 - 255
   let G = random(100, 120); // g is a random number betwen 100 - 200
   let B = random(150, 200); // b is a random number between 0 - 100
  return color(R,G,B);

  show() {
    ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.r * 2);
//class to attract objects to the attractor to show how gravity is btwn 2 objects the attractor and the objects 
class Attractor {
  constructor(x, y, m) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.mass = m;
    this.r = sqrt(this.mass) *115;

  attract(mover) {
    let force = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, mover.pos);
    let distanceSq = constrain(force.magSq(), 1000, 1500);
    let G = 4;
    let strength = (G * (this.mass * mover.mass)) / distanceSq;

  show() {
let movers = [];
let twoattract;
let attractor;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 600);
  //movers attracted to attracor
  for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    let x = random(width / 2);
    let y = random(height / 2);
    let m = random(50, 100);
    movers[i] = new Mover(x, y, m);
  attractor = new Attractor(width / 2.5, height / 2, 100);


function draw() {
  //3 movers attracted to each other
  for (let t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
    //attractor applies force to each other

    for (let u = 0; u < 6; u++) {
      for (let other of movers) {
        if (t !== u) {



Embedded sketch:

Reflection and Future Work:

I am happy with the result of this project; however, I think there is room for improvement.  I think the forces acting on the objects and the attraction more coherent with one another to make them feel a little more pattern would create even more pleasing results. Further, I want to experiment with other shapes rather than circles maybe lines or triangles that would potential;;y create other patterns as they move.






Week 3 – Supernova


The inspiration for this sketch is a supernova. A supernova is a powerful and luminous explosion that occurs at the end of a star’s life cycle. It marks the catastrophic death of a star, resulting in the release of an immense amount of energy and light, often outshining entire galaxies for a brief period.






Highlight of Code

let stars = [];
let numStars = 5000; 
let attractor; 
let state = 'attract'; 
let attractionStrength = 0.1; 
let explosionSpeed = 2; 
let explosionStartFrame; 
let damping = 0.95;

// array of possible attractor positions
let attractorPositions = [];
let attractorIndex = 0; 

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 800);
  // define the attractor positions: center, 1/4, and 3/4
  attractorPositions = [
    createVector(width / 2, height / 2), // center
    createVector(width / 4, height / 4), // top-left (1/4)
    createVector(3 * width / 4, 3 * height / 4) // bottom-right (3/4)
  attractor = attractorPositions[attractorIndex]; 

  // initialize stars with random positions 
  for (let i = 0; i < numStars; i++) {
    let x = random(width);
    let y = random(height);
    stars.push(new Star(x, y));

function draw() {

  // updates stars based on the current state
  for (let star of stars) {
    if (state === 'attract') {
      star.attractToCenter(attractor, attractionStrength);
    } else if (state === 'explode') {
      star.attractToCenter(attractor, -1 * attractionStrength); 

  if (state === 'attract' && stars.every(star => star.isAtCenter())) {
    state = 'explode';
    explosionStartFrame = frameCount;
  } else if (state === 'explode' && frameCount > explosionStartFrame + 180) {
    state = 'attract';
    changeAttractorPosition(); // change attractor position after each explosion

// change the attractor's position
function changeAttractorPosition() {
  attractorIndex = (attractorIndex + 1) % attractorPositions.length; // cycle through positions
  attractor = attractorPositions[attractorIndex];

// star class
class Star {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.position = createVector(x, y);
    this.initialPosition = createVector(x, y);
    this.velocity = createVector(0, 0);
    this.exploding = false; 
    this.distanceToCenter = p5.Vector.dist(this.position, attractor); // initial distance to center

  // attracts/repulse to/from the center 
  attractToCenter(center, attractionStrength) {
    let force = p5.Vector.sub(center, this.position);
    this.velocity.add(force); // add the positive attraction force to the velocity
    this.velocity.mult(damping); // apply damping to gradually slow down stars as they approach the center
    this.distanceToCenter = p5.Vector.dist(this.position, center); 

  // check if the star is close to the center
  isAtCenter() {
    return this.distanceToCenter < 5; 
  display() {
    fill(255, 204, 0); // yellow color for the stars
    ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, 5);

The full code for the project is attached above. The hardest part was getting the attractor right. I’m using the attractor as a repulsor with a negative attraction strength which makes the force vetro opposite and that was challenging to implement at first. I had also to include a dumping factor to make the simulation go smoothly otherwise the force will just pull all the stars to the attractor and repulse them because the vector becomes negative. For instance, changing the dumping to one makes the simulation an infinite loop of attraction and repulsion without any obvious explosion.

Week 3-Simulating Planetary Motion


In this assignment I set out to create a simulation of planetary motion using the p5.js framework. The concept behind this project is to visualize planets rotating in a simple, stylized environment.

I took inspiration Daniel Shiffman’s Nature of Code and his lessons on simulating forces in p5.js helped shape my understanding of how to manipulate objects using vectors and forces.

Code Highlight:

A key part of the project involves rotating and rendering the planets. This code snippet shows how I used two loops to manage the rendering of the “top” and “bottom” halves of the planets:

function draw() {

  // Bottom
  for (let i = 12; i > 0; i--) {
    for (let j = 0; j < p.length; j++) {

  // Top
  for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < p.length; j++) {

The draw() function uses two loops to alternate between rendering the top and bottom sections of each planet. These planets are stored in an array (p), and each planet has a renderBottom() and renderTop() function that handles its respective display on the canvas.

I was particularly proud of this section because it allowed me to divide the rendering into two distinct phases (top and bottom), creating a visually interesting dynamic. This setup gave the planets a layered appearance and made their rotations feel more interactive and complex.

Embedded Sketch:

The “mover” planets appear randomly on the screen, except for the largest one, which always starts in the center. The code uses an “attractor” function that handles three main pieces of information: the “mover”, the “attractor”, and the “force”. The “attractor” function checks if the mover is within the attractor’s orbit. If it’s not, the mover moves towards the orbit. Regardless of its position, the mover will continuously rotate around the attractor by moving in the same direction while subtracting PI / 2 from its angle. The 3D effect is achieved by stacking multiple 2D sprites on top of each other.

Challenges I Faced:
One of the hardest parts was making sure the planets rotated smoothly. At first, the movement was uneven, and the animation didn’t look as good as I wanted. To fix this, I adjusted the rotation functions in the planet class and experimented with different frame rates until the motion looked natural. It was tricky to get the right balance between performance and visual quality, but it felt great once everything worked smoothly.

Reflection and Future Improvements:

Looking back, I feel this project pushed me to think deeply about how to simulate movement in a way that is both computationally efficient and visually appealing. I learned a lot about managing objects in p5.js and how to structure code for animation sequences.

In the future, I’d love to expand on this project by adding more interactivity. For example, I’d like to incorporate user input that changes the speed or direction of the planet rotations, or even allow users to “create” new planets by clicking on the canvas. Another interesting addition would be to simulate gravitational forces between the planets, making their interactions more dynamic and unpredictable. Lastly, I’d like to add sound effects that are tied to the planets’ movement to deepen the sensory experience.

Week 3 – “Be Not Afraid” by Dachi


Concept Inspiration

My project, titled “Be Not Afraid,” was inspired by the concept of biblically accurate angels, specifically the Thrones (also known as Ophanim). In biblical and extrabiblical texts, Thrones are described as extraordinary celestial beings. The prophet Ezekiel describes them in Ezekiel 1:15-21 as wheel-like creatures: “Their appearance and structure was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” They are often depicted as fiery wheels covered with many eyes.

I wanted to recreate this awe-inspiring and somewhat unsettling image using digital art. The multiple rotating rings adorned with eyes in my project directly represent the wheel-within-wheel nature of Thrones, while the overall structure aims to capture their celestial and otherworldly essence. By creating this digital interpretation, I hoped to evoke the same sense of wonder and unease that the biblical descriptions might have inspired in ancient times.

Process of Development

I started by conceptualizing the basic structure – a series of rotating rings with eyes to represent the Thrones’ form. Initially, I implemented sliders for parameter adjustment, thinking it would be interesting to allow for interactive manipulation. However, as I developed the project, I realized I preferred a specific aesthetic that more closely aligned with the biblical descriptions and decided to remove the sliders and keep fixed values.

A key requirement of the project was to use invisible attractors and visible movers to create a pattern or design. This led me to implement a system of attractors that influence the movement of the entire Throne structure. This is mainly expressed in rotation around the center and more turbulent up and down movement. Values for these were adjusted to make motion smooth and graceful, corresponding to that of divine being.

As I progressed, I kept adding new elements to enhance the overall impact and atmosphere. The central eye came later in the process, as did the cloud background and sound elements. The project was all about refinement after refinement. Even at this stage I am sure there are lots of things to improve since lot of is visual representation which at times can be quite subjective.

How It Works

My project uses p5.js to create a 3D canvas with several interacting elements:

  1. Rings: I created four torus shapes with different orientations and sizes to form the base structure, representing the “wheel within a wheel” form of Thrones. Those wheels or rings were taken to be different values but eventually settled for four as it is not too overcrowded while delivering needed effect.
  2. Eyes: I positioned multiple eyes of varying sizes on these rings, reflecting the “full of eyes” description associated with Thrones.
  3. Central Eye: I added a larger eye in the center that responds to mouse movement when the cursor is over the canvas, symbolizing the all-seeing nature of these beings.
  4. Attractors and Movement: I implemented a system of invisible attractors that influence the movement of the entire structure. This includes:
  5. A central attractor that creates a circular motion.
  6. Vertical attractors that add turbulence and complexity to the movement. These attractors work together to create the organic, flowing motion of the Throne structure, evoking a sense of constant, ethereal rotation as described in biblical texts.
  7. Background: I used a cloud texture to provide a heavenly backdrop.
  8. Audio: I incorporated background music and a rotation sound whose volume correlates with the ring speeds to enhance the atmosphere.

Code I’m Proud Of

There are several pieces of code in this project that I’m particularly proud of, as they work together to create the complex, ethereal movement of the Thrones:

  1. The attractor system:
// Calculate attractor position
let attractorX = cos(attractorAngle) * attractorRadius;
let attractorY = sin(attractorAngle) * attractorRadius;

// Calculate vertical attractor position with increased turbulence
let verticalAttractorY = 
  sin(verticalAttractorAngle1) * verticalAttractorAmplitude1 +
  sin(verticalAttractorAngle2) * verticalAttractorAmplitude2 +
  sin(verticalAttractorAngle3) * verticalAttractorAmplitude3;

// Move the entire scene based on the attractor position
translate(attractorX, attractorY + verticalAttractorY, 0);

This code creates complex, organic motion by combining a circular attractor with vertical attractors. It achieves a nuanced, lifelike movement that adds significant depth to the visual experience, simulating the constant, ethereal rotation associated with the biblical descriptions of Thrones.

2. The ring and eye movement, including fading effects:

// Update outer ring spin speed
if (outerRingTimer >= pauseDuration && !isOuterRingAccelerating) {
  isOuterRingAccelerating = true;
  outerRingTimer = 0;
  fadeOutStartTime = 0;
} else if (outerRingTimer >= accelerationDuration && isOuterRingAccelerating) {
  isOuterRingAccelerating = false;
  outerRingTimer = 0;
  fadeOutStartTime = frameCount;

if (isOuterRingAccelerating) {
  outerRingSpeed += ringAcceleration;
  rotationSoundVolume = min(rotationSoundVolume + 0.01, 1);
} else {
  outerRingSpeed = max(outerRingSpeed - ringAcceleration / 3, 0.01);
  if (frameCount - fadeOutStartTime < decelerationDuration - fadeOutDuration) {
    rotationSoundVolume = 1;
  } else {
    let fadeOutProgress = (frameCount - (fadeOutStartTime + decelerationDuration - fadeOutDuration)) / fadeOutDuration;
    rotationSoundVolume = max(1 - fadeOutProgress, 0);


// Update ring spins
rings[1].spin += outerRingSpeed;
rings[3].spin += innerRingSpeed;

// Draw and update eyes
for (let eye of eyes) {
  let ring = rings[eye.ring];
  let r = ring.radius + ring.tubeRadius * eye.offset;
  let x = r * cos(eye.angle);
  let y = r * sin(eye.angle);
  rotateX(ring.rotation.x + sin(angle + ring.phase) * 0.1);
  rotateY(ring.rotation.y + cos(angle * 1.3 + ring.phase) * 0.1);
  rotateZ(ring.rotation.z + sin(angle * 0.7 + ring.phase) * 0.1);
  if (eye.ring === 1 || eye.ring === 3) {
  translate(x, y, 0);
  let eyePos = createVector(x, y, 0);
  let screenCenter = createVector(0, 0, -1);
  let directionVector = p5.Vector.sub(screenCenter, eyePos).normalize();
  let rotationAxis = createVector(-directionVector.y, directionVector.x, 0).normalize();
  let rotationAngle = acos(directionVector.z);
  rotate(rotationAngle, rotationAxis);
  if (eye.isInner) {

This code manages the complex movement of the rings and eyes, including acceleration, deceleration, and fading effects. It creates a mesmerizing visual that captures the otherworldly nature of the Thrones. The fading of the rotation sound adds an extra layer of immersion.

I’m particularly proud of how these pieces of code work together to create a cohesive, organic motion that feels both alien and somehow alive, which is exactly what I was aiming for in this representation of biblically accurate angels.



The biggest challenge I faced was definitely the movement and implementing the attractor system effectively. Creating smooth, organic motion in a 3D space while managing multiple rotating elements was incredibly complex. I struggled with:

  1. Coordinating the rotation of rings with the positioning and rotation of eyes.
  2. Implementing the acceleration and deceleration of ring rotations smoothly.
  3. Balancing the various movement elements (ring rotation, attractor motion, eye tracking) to create a cohesive, not chaotic, visual effect.

Another significant challenge was accurately representing the complex, wheel-within-wheel structure of Thrones. Balancing the need for a faithful representation with artistic interpretation and technical limitations required careful consideration and multiple iterations.


Looking back, I’m satisfied with how my “Be Not Afraid” project turned out. I feel I’ve successfully created an interesting  and slightly unsettling visual experience that captures the essence of Thrones as described in biblical texts. The layered motion effects created by the attractor system effectively evoke the constant rotation associated with these beings. I’m particularly pleased with how the central eye and the eyes on the rings work together to create a sense of an all-seeing, celestial entity.

Future Improvements

While I’m happy with the current state of my project, there are several improvements I’d like to make in the future:

  1. Blinking: I want to implement a sophisticated blinking mechanism for the eyes, possibly with randomized patterns or reactive blinking based on scene events. This could add to the lifelike quality of the Throne.
  2. Face Tracking: It would be exciting to replace mouse tracking with face tracking using a webcam and computer vision libraries. This would allow the central eye to follow the viewer’s face, making the experience even more immersive and unsettling.
  3. Increased Realism: I’d like to further refine the eye textures and shading to create more photorealistic eyes, potentially using advanced shaders. This could enhance the “full of eyes” aspect described in biblical texts.
  4. Interactive Audio: Developing a more complex audio system that reacts to the movement and states of various elements in the scene is definitely on my to-do list.
  5. Performance Optimization: I want to explore ways to optimize rendering and calculation to allow for even more complex scenes or smoother performance on lower-end devices.
  6. Enhanced Wheel Structure: While the current ring structure represents the wheel-like form of Thrones, I’d like to further refine this to more clearly show the “wheel within a wheel” aspect. This could involve creating interlocking ring structures or implementing a more complex geometry system.
  7. Fiery Effects: Many descriptions of Thrones mention their fiery nature. Adding particle effects or shader-based fire simulations could enhance this aspect of their appearance.


  1. Biblical descriptions of Thrones/Ophanim, particularly from the Book of Ezekiel
  2. Provided Coding Train video about attractors
  3. Various Art depicting thrones
  4. General internet
  5. Royalty free music
  6. Eye texture PNG (Eye (Texture) (filterforge.com))
  7. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/materials-in-webgl-and-p5-js/

Update: Added eye movement, removed torus shape, increased eye frequency

Update2: removed outer frame, increased distance to Ophanim, fog effect, 2x zoom effect, modified picture (Photoshop Generative AI). Added more extensive comments. Eye twitch movement (random).

Assignment 3- Mixing Water and Salt


Pure water is one of the simplest chemical compounds to understand, and the concept of mixing solubles with water is something most people learn early on in third grade. However, translating this fundamental idea into a digital simulation presented a significant challenge. Representing molecules and their interactions through code required a deeper understanding of both chemistry and programming. Initially, my goal was to model how water and salt molecules interact with each other using forces of attraction. This involved not only visualizing the individual molecules but also accurately simulating their dynamic interactions. The process of creating this simulation highlighted the complexity behind seemingly simple concepts and provided valuable insights into the behavior of molecules in a digital environment.


I tried to implement the particles movements in this seperate code using attractors to mimic an atom: https://editor.p5js.org/mariamalkhoori/sketches/VmTpfxlVA

Water Atoms Stock Illustrations – 1,606 Water Atoms Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Highlight I’m proud of


function draw() {
  // Draw the glass of water
  fill(177, 177, 199, 225);
  quad(131, 126, 318, 126, 290, 344, 158, 344);
  fill(85, 179, 236, 100);
  quad(137, 177, 312, 177, 290, 344, 158, 344);
  // Update and display water molecules
  for (let molecule of waterMolecules) {

  // Update and display salt molecules if showSalt is true
  if (showSalt) {
    for (let molecule of saltMolecules) {

  // Check if attraction pairs exist and apply attraction during MIX
  if (isMixing) {
    for (let pair of attractPairs) {
      let waterMolecule = pair.water;
      let saltMolecule = pair.salt;

      // Calculate the distance between the water molecule and the salt molecule
      let target = createVector(saltMolecule.x, saltMolecule.y);
      let currentPos = createVector(waterMolecule.x, waterMolecule.y);
      let distance = p5.Vector.dist(currentPos, target);

      // If the water molecule is close enough, snap to the salt molecule and stop moving
      if (distance > 15) { // Adjust the threshold to be equal to their combined radii
        let attractionForce = p5.Vector.sub(target, currentPos);
        attractionForce.setMag(0.5); // Set attraction force strength

        // Apply the attraction force to move the water molecule towards the salt molecule
        waterMolecule.x += attractionForce.x;
        waterMolecule.y += attractionForce.y;
      } else {
        // Snap the water molecule to the salt molecule's position
        waterMolecule.x = saltMolecule.x;
        waterMolecule.y = saltMolecule.y;
        waterMolecule.isAttached = true; // Mark as attached to stop future movement


Embedded sketch


Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements

The project provided a valuable exploration of simulating molecular interactions and highlighted the complexities of translating theoretical chemistry into a visual format. It revealed the challenge of balancing scientific accuracy with effective coding techniques and emphasized the importance of a solid understanding of molecular behavior. Future improvements could include enhancing simulation accuracy, adding interactive user features, incorporating advanced visualization techniques, expanding to more complex scenarios, and developing educational tools to support learning.

Future Work:

  • Accuracy Improvement: Enhance precision of molecular interactions.
  • User Interaction:Add features for user input and parameter adjustments.


Week 3 – Chaotic Gravity

This concept is inspired by natural phenomena like planets orbiting stars due to gravity. But instead of perfect, smooth motion, we add turbulence to add a bit of chaos to keep things dynamic and fun to watch.

In the sketch below you’ll see several circular objects (the movers) being pulled towards an invisible point in the middle of the canvas (the attractor). I’ve added some randomness to their movements using turbulence, which shakes things up a bit.


Key parts of the code are:

  • Movers: These are the objects that move around the canvas. They’re represented as circles that feel the force of the attractor and the added turbulence.
  • Attractors: There’s only one attractor in this sketch, located in the center of the canvas, but we could add more for a more complex pattern.
  • Forces: The attraction is like gravity, pulling the movers toward the center. The turbulence adds some randomness, so the movers don’t just head straight for the attractor.

The following code mimics gravity: the closer the mover gets to the attractor, the stronger the pull, but the force is constrained so that the mover doesn’t get stuck. Here’s how the attraction works:

function calculateAttraction(moverPos, attractorPos) {
  let force = p5.Vector.sub(attractorPos, moverPos);  // Direction of force
  let distance = constrain(force.mag(), 5, 25);  // Constrain the distance to avoid too strong forces
  let strength = (0.4 * 10) / (distance * distance);  // Gravitational pull formula
  return force;
